Chrysalis Gym

Many children with hyperactivity, anxiety, poor tolerance to transitions, food sensitivities/issues with oral hygiene, oral sensory seeking behaviors (chewing on the end of a pencil or shirt collar,) frequent public “meltdowns,” and auditory seeking behaviors (making noises either vocally or with an item) are demonstrating an imbalance in their sensory systems. Our goal at The Therapy Xploriment is to give them the input their body is seeking to help regulate their nervous systems so they feel their best! In the Chrysalis Gym you will find activities that have consistently helped with calming the central nervous system. The sensory swings and foam pit in the gym give children deep pressure input. Other inputs that are calming to the nervous system are low lighting, slow rocking or swinging motions*, rolling up in a blanket, hugs, and white noise or soothing rhythmic music. The sessions that take place in this gym will introduce children to different ways to help calm the sensory system and promote independent self-regulation.

*Some children that have vestibular sensitivities will NOT find swinging calming.